Dear honourable Lords and Ladies, gentle members of the "Dragon Needle Embroidery Guild" & "-eMail Group"!
I want to send sincere thanks to all guild members who attended the Coronation event in Insulae Draconis and to all members who attended my rather short class or our first guild meeting.
I especially want to send sincere thanks to all guild members who had to work during the guild meeting and therefore couldn't attend it - you all made this beautiful event because of your hard work possible - thank you so very much!
I was very happy to see some of your beautiful work at the guild display and also during the guild meeting in real - pleas keep on working on such beautiful work and please share pictures of your work at the internet with us!
During the guild meeting I also got the possiblitiy to discuss my thoughts concerning the new guild charter with some of you and I am very happy about the common consent that we should get away from the old and also rather confusing rank system and that we should have our main focus at networking, helping and inspiring each other and also starting interesting challenges, guild competitions,... , and at going on a journey through the beautiful lands of medieval embroidery :)
...and now some guild information:
Guild Membership Roll:At the moment we have 35 members and I think that we soon will have more members :)
Guild Badge:I paid the fee for the registration of our badge at Summer Coronation and now I am waiting for the information concerning the next steps - I will let you know as soon as I get them :)
Guild Charter:Still in progress.
Dragon's Embroidery Workshop:If you would like to join the Workshop please don't hesitate to contact me, I am very looking forward to see your work and would really love to send you an invitation for the blog :)
Upcoming Events:I will soon start my 'Embroidery and Needlework Evenings' in Vienna again and I would love to get to know about your embroidery, needlework or sewing events/evenings/afternoons - regardless if small or big events, please let me know :)
"Something to keep you warm" Project/Challenge- "Embroidery Workshop Blog" if you would like to join the Workshop, please don't hesitate to write me an eMail! :)
A&S 50 Challenge - it would still be great to see more artisans from our beautiful kingdom joining this challenge.
Yours faithfully
Dragon's Needle Embroidery Guild Head